Thursday, 28 November 2013

Lowe’s Law of Equilibrium for Orbiting Objects

The Laws

The First Law of Equilibrium for Orbiting Objects in Stable Orbits

It states that when an object maintains a fixed stable orbit around another object, the force of gravity between the objects is counter balanced by a propulsive force generated by the orbiting object at right angles to the force of gravity in the direction of motion of the orbiting object.
The propulsive force is a balancing force which tops up the momentum of the orbiting object to enable it to maintain its path around the host object and counteracts the gravitational and tidal forces acting on the orbiting object.

The First Law Modified for an Accelerating Expanding Universe
In an accelerating expanding universe the  total rotational propulsive force of matter in the universe exceeds by a small but sufficient amount the total of gravitational force resulting in an accelerative expansion of the universe by rotational motion.

This should mean that all galaxies and all the spaces between galaxies are expanding at an accelerating rate.
The Second Law of Equilibrium for Orbiting Objects in Stable Orbits
It states that if an orbiting object generates a propulsive force in excess of that required to maintain a stable orbit, the surplus force will be used up in the production of rotational motion.

Clearly if there is a surplus of propulsive energy in an orbital system, it has to go somewhere. That it should be dissipated by the generation of spin is not only a very nice solution for the designer of the universe but it is infinitely (almost) variable.  A large amount of surplus energy as in the case of Jupiter simply results in a higher spin rate.  If there is very little energy left for spin as in the case of Venus, the rate drops to close to Zero. If there is insufficient propulsive force to maintain a stable orbit the orbit will decay at an accelerating rate with the inevitable result that the host will eventually absorb the satellite

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